Causes and Spread of Infection

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Causes and spread of infection 1. Understand the causes of infection 1.1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites Bacteria This is a single cell micro-organism that gets its nutrition from its surroundings and can only be seen under a microscope. Viruses These are disease producing agents far smaller than bacteria. They are enclosed in a protein coating which makes them more difficult to destroy Fungi Fungi are popular for beneficial effects including foods for protection, penicillin and decomposition. Some fungi mass together to create toadstools. They spread by releasing spores into the environment. Parasites These are microorganisms that depend on other organisms for survival. Bacteria and viruses can be parasites. 1.2 Identify common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites Bacteria Lyme disease, Tuberculosis, tetanus, MRSA, whooping cough Viruses Polio, Norovirus, common cold, flu, chicken pox Fungi Ringworm, athletes foot, oral thrush Parasites Worms, ticks, lice, mites 1.3 Describe what is meant by 'infection' and 'colonisation' Infection Infection is the invasion on bodily tissues by disease causing microorganisms Colonisation Colonisation is when an invasion of disease or bacteria populate a specific area of the body which can cause the body's immune system to break down. 1.4 Explain what is meant by 'systemic infection' and 'localised infection' Systemic infection This is where infection spreads throughout the whole body or affects several organs or tissues. Conditions like type 2 diabetes or AIDS are examples of this. Localised infection This is confined to one organ system or area in the body e.g. abscess or boil. 1.5 Identify poor practices that may lead to the spread of infection This could include not washing hands, not

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