Causes and Effects of Air Pollution (Dialogue)

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Causes and Effects of Air Pollution A : B, how are you? I have heard that you have a cough so bad that you have to skip school lessons. Are you really fine now? B : Yeah, I have completely recovered from the illness. Thanks to the haze recently, I have skipped important classes and I am working on catching up those lessons. What a troublesome haze. A : It is true that the haze have caused numerous troubles to our daily activities, and affecting our body health as well. I wondered if those irresponsible people know that air is essential for humans. B : Indeed. Air keeps us alive, but at the same time, it can be harmful. Air provides us with oxygen that is essential for living, while other substances such as nitrogen, water vapor, and dust particles also comprises along with oxygen in the air. The increase in the emission of substances that contaminates the air will eventually lead to air pollution. A : Air pollution is both natural and human-based. Natural air pollution is caused by phenomenon such as volcanic eruption, decomposition, and radioactive materials. Volcanic eruptions will send tons of sulphur dioxide and ashes into the atmosphere where it will combine with water particles to form acid rain, while during decomposition, bacteria will release methane and carbon dioxide into the air when it feeds on decaying organic matter. B : That is true. Meanwhile, human activities or anthropogenic sources also cause air pollution. These activities mostly involve burning of fuels. Stationary sources include factories and power plants. Mobile sources, on the other hand, involve motor vehicles, air crafts and water vessels. Besides, the uses of chemicals in our daily lives such as aerosol sprays containing CFC, or chlorofluorocarbon, also contributes to air pollution. A : Wow! So there is air pollution occurring almost

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