Causes and Consequence of Environmental Change

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Causes and Consequence of Environmental Change We are all aware of the increasing temperature of our planet due to the escalating amount of pollution we are producing. The main cause of climate change is through rubbish. As humans we produce endless amounts of rubbish. So where do we put it? Into our atmosphere. Over the last century we have been releasing a large amount of carbon dioxide into the air through the burning of fossil fuels and oils. Factories and vehicles are producing carbon dioxide, one of the numerous gases, that block heat from escaping our atmosphere; this changes the natural greenhouse of Earth. Deforestation is another cause for climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in its place. By cutting them down it means less carbon dioxide is absorbing and it's staying in the atmosphere instead. This damages the natural balance of gases in the atmosphere In addition; when we burn the trees it releases carbon dioxide into air, contributing to the already fast growing amount. Methane is a gas that is over 20 times more effective in trapping heat than carbon dioxide and remains in the atmosphere for approximately 9-15 years. Methane is released in to the atmosphere through animal waste and crops such as rice. Fig.1 – The greenhouse effect. Releasing such gases can cause increasing temperature all over the Earth, some areas more drastic than others. Warmer conditions can lead to rising amounts of evaporation and precipitation, but different areas will vary, some becoming drier and others wetter. Rising sea levels will also be a consequence of a stronger green house effect. The expanding rise in heat will cause ice caps and glaciers to melt In addition, the sea will expand when the heat rises which will contribute to sea level change. The changing temperature will also have an effect on plant life. In some areas
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