Cause of Premarital Sex (Fornication) : - Peer Group Pressure

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Peer group pressure is very strong among young people. They want to be like other people of the same age or of the same social status. Most young people are easily influenced by their contemporaries. These influences are more than what they receive from any other source. The influences they receive from the peer group include that of immorality. Few days ago, when I was writing this book in one of the quarters, I heard some university boys accusing and abusing one of their peers for his negligence to commit fornication with the girl he ought to have used. Moreover, they added that they would take him to a hotel and show him how to meet with woman in order not to lose any opportunity to do it in the future. Similar incidence happened to me two years before I was converted. Some of my peers came to me on 1st January, that is, on New Year Night. They called me to go along with them for celebration of the New Year Night. We moved from one place to the other until we finally landed in one of the most popular hotels in the city. This hotel was characterised with sex workers. Before I knew what was happening, these my friends started paying and going in one by one to have sex with the prostitutes. They later persuaded me to try the same with an encouragement that they would be responsible for my payment. I finally yielded to their plea. Can you imagine how great peer group pressure is? If it were not the influence from my peers, I would not have had a boldness to step into prostitute house, let alone of committing immorality there. If I had ever hated anybody, it was anybody called a prostitute. I so much hated prostitutes to the extent that I would never taste any food prepared by any of them even if I were dying of serious hunger. Something sounds paradoxical and foolish here: the classes of people I hated most, I later found myself in sex with, body to body.

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