Cause of Aggressive Behavior in Children

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Nature vs. Nurture Nature vs. nurture is a debate that has been going on for a long time. One argument that falls under this debate is the cause of aggressive behavior. It may be safe to say that there is not one cause of aggressiveness but many that are put together that encourage this behavior. A person may be predisposition to aggressive behavior but studies lead us to believe that there must be an environmental factor that brings out the behavior. Nature refers to the biological factors that influence ones behavior. This would be the genes that people are born with or how one gender is predisposition to certain behaviors. A common question is one that asks if boys or girls are more or less aggressive than the other. Something to take into consideration is that boys and girls experience aggression differently. Boys are more likely to engage in physical aggression but boys and girls are equally likely to engage in verbal aggression. (Daena V.and De Souza 2007 Aggressive Behaviors Biologically and Environmentally) Males also see aggression as a way to gain status. Boys will fight each other to prove themselves. They are more apt to hang out with troubled peers than girls are. I believe that boys tend to be more aggressive than females. Most cultures throughout the world expect the men to be aggressive. Sometimes it is a way of survival, protecting the women from harm or finding food for them. Men also have 20 times more testosterone than women. (2010 Amanda Hermes Children's Exposure to TV Violence & Aggressive Behavior) Of course females are also aggressive, but their aggression tends to focus more on verbal and social assaults instead of physical violence. (Daena V. De Souza) Females tend to show aggression by means of insults or by spreading rumors. It is common for females to try and separate people from their friends. I believe females are
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