Cause and Effect of Teens and Social Media

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Corren Smart 9/8/13 LauraLee Cantlon ENC1101 The Cause and Effects of Teens and Social Media Social media has played a big role on teens these days, but is it a good thing or bad thing? The high usage of social media amongst teens has been caused by easy access to the internet, the day and age we live in, and no parental guidance. The effects on these teens have resulted in bullying, low self-esteem, and less face to face interaction. Talking to teens about proper internet use, monitoring teen’s internet use, and limiting household computer time are a few solutions that could be used to help the problem. To start with, teens have easy access to the internet and social media these days. According to Pew Research Center, ninety-three percent of all teens use the internet. Seventy-three percent of those teens are logged onto social media sites several times a day. Twenty-five percent of teens can access social media through there smart phone. This makes it very convenient to access and post. The polls also stated that eighty percent of all teenagers have internet access in their household. According to these numbers there are very few teens that do not have access to internet use these days. Do to the fact that it is 2013; social media plays a big part in teenagers lives. There is lots communication through their friends on social media sites. The social media sites are more appealing to teens so they refuse to go outside unlike when the rest of us when we were younger. The sites have evolved in this day and age to having games, coupons for shopping, and many other things to hold teenagers attention for hours. Schools have even made pages for teenagers to get information off that they would need. With all this in effect teenagers have no reason to sign off social media sites with their world revolving around them. However, not having any parental

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