Everyone Should Go To College Essay

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“Everybody should go to college” is a very popular saying, and it’s repeated throughout a person’s lifetime a by parents and teachers. However, it is a personal choice and everyone is entitled to their own decision. Nevertheless, getting a college degree is very advantageous for each and every person that decides to go. Its benefits are countless but two of the main is, making parents proud and ensuring a better life for oneself. When a parent has a child it’s the most joyous occasion in their life, a moment that they will never forget for the rest of their lives. Their goal in life will to see that child be successful and happy in life. They will work hard and strain to make sure that their child gets the best education possible, because it equals to a better future. So, when that child goes to college and gets that college degree it’s not a surprise when tears of joy stroll down the parents face. When a…show more content…
A college education will be one of the biggest the milestones to bettering one’s life. It makes a person are more confident and knowledgeable. The use of knowledge is infinite. College gives people the tools to fulfill their goals and dreams. It teaches people not to give up, and be the best that they can be, so they can reach their highest aspirations. It makes a person more rounded, and capable of making better life choices. Also, a person with a college education will be more probable to have financial security, get better jobs because they are more qualified. It is fact, that a person with college with college education will get a job more easily and also be paid a higher salary. The job market looks for people that are educated, and with today’s economy it’s near impossible to get a job without education. With education, person paths are limitless for what they wish to do in the future, because they can choose what path to take for a

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