Catcher in the Rye Analysis

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J.D. Salinger, a very influential writer in the 1920s, wrote Catcher in the Rye which became one of his most famous books. He shares a very unique and interesting story, and his beliefs of coming of age are reflected through the main character. He does not necessarily say it in a direct way, but he demonstrates it with the plot of the story and the tone and attitude he gives to the main character. Holden, the protagonist of the book, seems to be a typical teenage boy; he can be a rebel at times, does not really like adults, he goes out on dates, and it seems like he does not enjoy school at all, except for English which seems to be his favorite subject. Even though he seems to do what any other regular teenager would do, he shows many different feelings and attitudes throughout the book. He acts in a manner that many would consider to be immaturity, negativism or simply exaggeration; he is a teenager, it is understandable he acts that way, right? However, J.D. Salinger shows how Holden’s childhood have shaped his attitude towards others. Through Holden’s characteristics, actions and comments Salinger shows that events in our life can affect the adults we become. Holden tends to be a pessimist teenager that always sees the bad in people, especially in adults. He has the habit to use the word “phony” to describe people, and it seems like he has difficulties having a good social life, but he doesn’t really like to be alone. He has been kicked out of school several times; it seems like he does not care about it; however, he has a decent grade in English class. What makes Holden act this way? There is always a reason behind the way people behave, and Holden seems to have some serious problem going on within him. When Holden was sleeping over Mr. Antolini’s house, Holden revealed something that could be key to understand why he conducts himself to others the way he
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