Case Study: the Forgotten Group Member

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GM 591- Leadership & Organizational Behavior Professor Leonard Shelton March 17, 2012 Case Study: The Forgotten Group Member Part I: Group Development Learning the stages of team development can help form an effective team, there are five stages team members need to pass through, these stages can help members overcome different challenges while becoming more or less effective, they can develop theories and strategies to work together as a team to produce quality work. Our text book lays out the different stages of group development and they are as follows: 1. Adjourning: Disbanding and celebrating accomplishments 2. Forming: Getting to know each other 3. Storming: Dealing with tensions and defining group tasks 4. Performing: Maturing in relationships and task performance 5. Norming: Building relationships and working together The group presented in the text seems to be in between stages but mostly because of one individual. The group is stuck between Forming and Storming. Mike has presented himself as unreasonable and was acting very foolish which allow him to lack of focus. During the forming stage, Mike chose to joke around about meeting before class, he’s ways constantly late to class, he presents so many excuses and when the group meets up, on informal bases, he was offended that he’s left out. Part II: Problem Identification The primary issue is they lack of communication. Christine is a bit scared and frustrated that her team member Mike is slacking on the assignment but she has not verbalized her concern with the group. Instead she is taking his drafts and notes and putting it together with the rest of the groups work. Christine not verbalizing her concerns puts the rest of the group at risk of getting a lower grade. In addition, she has not spoken to Mike at all in regards to his behavior and how it’s affecting the work of the group.

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