Case Study Porsche

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Porsche: Guarding the Old While Bringing in the New The Porsche Company was founded by Ferdinand Porsche who credited himself for the design of the original Volkswagen Beetle and Adolf Hitler’s people’s car. He had already gathered over 30 years of valuable experience before designing the Porsche. The first result of this work in automobile development was an electric car called the Lohner Porsche which was powered by wheel-hub motors. In 1948 Porsche engineering office started working under its own steam on the Type 356 VW Sports Car it marked the birth of the Porsche sports car. Today the Porsche engineering continues to take on engineering challenges of the future. 1. Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer. What conclusions can you draw? Making a statement and presenting an image of exclusivity is what most Porsche owners are going for. The care represents how successful they are and like self-image.; it stands for the things owners like to see in themselves and their lives. Need Recognition Most Porsche owners are financially successful people and their higher hierarchy of needs have evolved from the practical and utilitarian to wanting to make a statement with what they drive. Information Search If the consumer’s drive is strong and a satisfying product is near at hand, he or she is likely to buy it then. If not the consumer may store the need in memory or undertake an information search related to the need. (p 152, 153) Evaluation Alternative This is how the consumer processes the information to arrive at a brand choice. (p 153) Purchase Decision Purchase intension & purchase decision. Port purchase Behavior This is the stage of the buyer decision process in which consumers take further action after purchase based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a purchase. (p 154) 2. Contrast the

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