Case Study One the Fallen Athlete

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Case Study Number One: The Case of The Fallen Athlete Question one: Tim had suffered from a stroke and paralyzed the right side of his body. From the results of his symptoms, Tim’s left side of the brain’s hemisphere would be damaged by the stroke. Considering the facts, the left hemisphere of our brain controls the function of verbal competence, such as speech. Since Tim was having a hard time talking, this shows evidence of the left hemisphere receiving damage. Question two: The functional magnetic resonance imaging technology would best reveal the location and extent of damage to Tim’s brain produced by his stroke. The reason why fMRI would be the best imaging technology to use is it provides a detailed image of the brains structure and activity. Question three: If the physician did not have any attention in viewing the damage to Tim’s brain directly, they would have recognized the fact that the trouble Tim was having speaking and how he could not move the right side of his body. Now if Tim had lost his vision after the stroke the damage would be found in the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex where the visual area of the brain is controlled or the damage could be found in the thalamus, located in the middle of the central core of the brain, which relays information from the senses, including sight. Another option is if Tim were to lose sensation of his left side of his body the damage would be found in the right hemisphere of the brain affecting the sensory area of the cerebral cortex which controls the body sensation, to be more specific or exact you could say somatosensory area within the parietal lobe is damaged from the stroke. Lastly if Tim’s personality would suddenly change from the stroke, the damage would be found in the association area of the cerebral cortex, affecting judgment and etc. Question four: The endocrine system played a role
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