Case Study on Tunner Syndrome

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Case Study 1 Mrs. Wicks presents at the clinic in Montefiore with her 14 year old daughter Abigail wicks for a full physical examination. Abigail has not had her first menstrual period and is showing no signs of breast development. Abigail is also very short for her age and has a peculiar webbing of the neck. She has a noticeably small lower jaw and skin folds in the corners of her eyes. She has never been tested for a chromosome disorder. . Abigail has been a healthy child she has had no surgeries her immunization are current. FAMILY HISTORY Abigail is the last born child of four children. Neither parent nor any of her siblings have been diagnosed with genetic disease. When she was born her mother was 40 and her father 55. Both parents have no chronic illnesses. Current Medication: None Allergies: Abigail develops a rash as a reaction to several antibiotics medication (vancomycin, penicillin and cephalexin) PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND LABORATORY TESTS The patient is awake, alert oriented X3 in no apparent distress, with vital sign stable as follow; blood pressure 135/88, heart rate 66, respiration 16 temperature 97.4. Weight 110 lbs. Her skin turgor is normal dry, warm without any rash or bruises. But she has a few brown spot on her chest and back. Abigail has hearing difficulties and also wears glasses. Abdomen is soft non tender none distended with positive bowel sound. Bilateral lungs were clear upon auscultation. There was complete absence of breast development . The missing or altered X chromosome of Turner syndrome causes errors during fetal development and other developmental problems after birth short stature, ovarian failure and learning disabilities. Turner's Syndrome: A Case Study by: Carolyn Duda Turner's Syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects about one in every

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