Case Study Office Communication

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CASE STUDY 1 Office Communications Cathy Buford is the design leader on a project team for a large, complex technical project for a very demanding customer. Joe Jackson is an engineer assigned to her design team. It is about 9:30 A.M. when Joe walks into Cathy’s office. Her head is down, and she is hard at work. “Hey, Cathy,”says Joe,“going to the Little League game tonight? Ya know, I volunteered to coach this year.” “Oh. Hi, Joe. I’m really busy,”Cathy tells him. Joe then proceeds to sit down in Cathy’s office.“I hear your kid is a pretty good ball player.” Cathy shuffles some papers and tries to focus on her work.“Huh? I guess so. I am so swamped.” “Yeah, me too,”Joe says.“I had to take a break to get away from it for a while.” “Since you’re here,”Cathy says,“I’ve been thinking that maybe you should evaluate using bar coding or optical character recognition technology for data entry. It might.… Joe interrupts.“Look at those dark clouds forming outside. I hope the game isn’t rained out tonight.” Cathy continues,“Some of the advantages of these technologies are.…”She goes on for a few minutes.“So what do you think?” “Huh? No, they won’t work”is Joe’s response.“Trust me. Besides, the customer is a low-tech kind of guy, and it would increase the project costs.” “But if we can show the customer that it could save him money and reduce input errors,”Cathy persists,“he probably would pay the extra needed to implement the technologies.” “Save him money!”Joe exclaims.“How? By laying off people? We already have too much downsizing in this country. And the government and politicians aren’t doing anything about it. It doesn’t matter who you vote for. They’re all the same.” “By the way, I still need your input for the progress report,”Cathy reminds him.“I need to e-mail it to the customer tomorrow. As you know, I’ll need about 8 to 10 pages. We need a thick report to show the

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