Fact: In 1998, Brenda Evans (plaintiff appellant) terminated her employment at Eaton Corporation (defendant appellant) and filed for long-term disability benefits. Eaton Corporation, a multinational manufacturing company that funds and oversees long-term disability benefits plans for its employees, terminated Ms. Evans's benefits in 2004 based on controversial issues pertaining to her medical reports. Ms. Evans sued under Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to recover her benefits. The medication that Ms. Evans was prescribed improved her rheumatoid arthritis, yet she still complained of sever back pain from a previous car accident. Her doctors confirmed that these medical problems resulted in her being totally disable.
Everyone was going to the video store for the new releases of all movies. The 20th century changed everything, bringing competitors Redbox, Video-On-Demand and Netflix. Blockbuster turned down a $50 million deal with Netflix back in 2000 but, 2010 was when Blockbuster received its first warning of failure. In March of 2010 Blockbuster received a warning of bankruptcy from their independent auditor, Price Waterhouse Cooper. However, it was not until August 26, 2010 when Blockbuster announced a pre-packaged bankruptcy, citing $900 million in debt and strong competition of Netflix, Redbox and Video-On-Demand in as contributing factors.
This change affected the current ratio of the hospital, which was 15.51 to 5.41. The drop in net receivables and cash equivalents according to the ratio computations dropped which had caused a change in the quick ratio of the hospital from 9.49:1 to 3.44:1. In reference to the hospital’s operating costs; What plans should the hospital Board make for next year and the next five years? After reviewing Patton-Fuller Community Hospital balance sheets, the balance sheets show that they break even at the end of the fiscal year. The hospital is currently making enough to cover the debts, which equals to no profit.
Starting from 1970, Community General Hospital recorded losses and bad debts. Operationally, patients of the hospital declined due to existence of another better-equipped traditional white hospital. In the end of 1983, the hospital has accumulated $402,000 budget deficit. Some plans proposed for the hospital to revive such as issuance of $15 million bond and $1.5 million from community pledges. These steps were also proven unsuccessful.
“It’s a matter of incentives and market failure.” With 741,000 U.S. jobs lost in January 2009—the biggest one-month drop in 59 years—along with U.S. market failures in housing, banking, and the automobile industry among other industries, President Obama had to take drastic action to try to revive the economy. In 2009, he got Congress to approve a $787 billion stimulus package, which is officially named the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), to combat the deep recession at that time (which, by the way, was not his Administration's doing). Of course, ARRA had provisions for health care. Starting in 2011, providers deemed to be "meaningful users" of EHR systems are eligible for up to $44,000 over five years, and up to $63,750 over six years, in incentive payments paid in the form of increased Medicare and Medicaid premiums (Kropf, R. as cited in Kovner and Knickman, 2010, p. 335). Consequently, many health experts predict that the “meaningful use” will be a requirement to collect and report measurements that can be closely correlated with improved health.
Marie R. Davis 130 Chestnut Street Fairmont WV, 26554 Student ID # F0027464 June 20, 2012 Pierpont Community and Technical College Academic Appeal Board 1201 Locust Ave Fairmont WV, 26554 Dear: Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee There were inevitable circumstances that occurred which led to my drop in my GPA. These circumstances were health related for myself. I had to undergo a full hysterectomy. The procedure was done in the middle of the semester. I made every attempt to try and postpone until the end of the semester but I was having reoccurring cysts on my ovary which had me in the hospital several times prior to my procedure.
Identify and describe three reasons why there may be a physician shortage rather than a surplus in the U.S. William &ump; Torrens (2010) provided a table to show the first time since 1965, between 2000 and 2005, there was a slight decrease in the ratio of physicians per 100,000 civilian populations. The three reasons why there is a physician shortage rather than a surplus in the United States is caused first of all by more restrictive elements that have been blunted due to widespread physician and patient dissatisfaction, particularly with limits of choice (Williams &ump; Torrens, page 270). The move away from more efficient forms of organized medical practice commonly means that more physicians will be necessary to deliver the same level
When Richard Oden was not able to return to work fast enough after getting a major surgery, unfortunately, “to help support his family, Oden had to dip into his 401(k) fund, paying a penalty for premature withdrawal” (Wallechinsky, para 8). If someone suffers a completely unexpected complication that affects their working ability for a certain amount of time, they are basically kicked out on the street. Being laid off makes it incredibly hard for a citizen to get back on his or her feet. It is almost as if someone has to be perfectly healthy and free of accident vulnerability to have a good
The Conservatives dismissed the findings as they were too expensive to implement and did not officially release the report. Only 260 copies were ever produced (Gordon et al, 1999). The Black Report stated that there was significant evidence that poverty needed to be abolished to reduce inequalities in health as it was found that people who live in poverty are more likely to have health problems and thus suffer neglect and other forms of abuse (DHSS, 1980). ). In 1994 Tony Blair became the leader of the Labour Party and he announced that one of their “new” policies was a commitment to completely modernise the welfare state and the Tax Credit system was introduced (Trends in the Distribution of
It goes against our Constitutional right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Studies show that more than eighteen thousands adults die each year because they are uninsured and can't get proper health care. How is it that in America, the greatest country in the world, thousands of people can die each for something that can be changed and nothing is done? Each year we deny eighteen thousand people the right to live, a right guaranteed to them by our fore fathers. The implementation of a universal healthcare system would save lives and allow people to be free to pursue their