Case Study - Jensen Shoes

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Summary and Overview This case provides an illustration of several managerial challenges: communication styles and perceptions, employee performance evaluation, expectations, and dependencies. Jensen Shoes, a world leader founded in 1953, had over 4500 employees and a healthy return on equity (ROE) of 20%. Although it recognized employee value, it missed the boat on effectively utilizing and positioning Lyndon, a bright, motivated, top-of-class professional with broad experience who could have been a tremendous asset. Chuck’s weak leadership, coupled with deficiencies in both Lyndon and Jane’s communication and management skills, curtailed Lyndon’s full potential. The communication-disconnect between Lyndon and Jane catalyzed Lyndon’s search for job leads. Main Challenges Facing Jane and Causes Table 1 summarizes Jane’s major challenges. |Challenge |Cause | |Coaching Lyndon to be|Fails to understand Lyndon’s future plans; e.g., Jane asks open-ended questions (perhaps to appear open) but is caught off-guard when Lyndon | |part of the team |shares his goal to get back to management. Instead of asking how she might help, she seeks a position for him. | | |Discusses Lyndon’s SOs during their first meeting, ignoring his disinterest. | | |Fails to create a manager-subordinate foundation. | | |Fails to understand the root-case of Lyndon’s poor performance review provided by Chuck | |

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