Case Study Enron

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13-33 (35 min.) Strategic analysis of operating income. 1. Halsey is following a product differentiation strategy. Halsey offers a wide selection of clothes and excellent customer service. Halsey’s strategy is to distinguish itself from its competitors and to charge a premium price. 2. Operating income for each year is as follows: 2007 2008 Revenues ($60 ( 40,000; $59 ( 40,000) $2,400,000 $2,360,000 Costs Costs of goods sold ($40 ( 40,000; $41 ( 40,000) 1,600,000 1,640,000 Selling & customer service costs ($7 ( 51,000); $6.90 ( 43,000) 357,000 296,700 Purchasing & admin. costs ($250 ( 980; $240 ( 850) 245,000 204,000 Total costs 2,202,000 2,140,700 Operating income $ 198,000 $ 219,300 Change in operating income $21,300 F 2. The Growth Component [pic] = [pic] = (40,000 ( 40,000) ( $60 = $0 [pic] = [pic] × [pic] [pic] = [pic] × [pic] Pieces of clothing that would be required to be purchased in 2008 would be the same as that required in 2007 because output is the same between 2007 and 2008. Purchasing and administrative costs and selling and customer-service costs will not change since adequate capacity exists in 2007 to support year 2008 output and customers. The cost effects of growth component are: Costs of goods sold (40,000 ( 40,000) ( $40 = $0 Selling & cust.-serv. costs (51,000 ( 51,000) ( $7 = 0 Purch. & admin. costs (980 ( 980) ( $250 = 0 Cost effect of growth $0 In summary, the net effect on operating income as a result of the growth component equals: Revenue effect of growth $0 Cost effect of growth 0 Change in operating income due to growth $0 The Price-Recovery Component [pic] = [pic] = ($59 ( $60) ( 40,000 = $40,000 U [pic] = [pic][pic] [pic] = [pic] × [pic] Costs of goods sold ($41 ( $40) ( 40,000 = $40,000 U Selling &

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