Training At Keller-Globe Case Study

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Case Studies No 2. (HRM Incident 1) (Page 219) Title: training at Keller-Globe. Question:- Evaluate Keller-Globe’s approach to training. Answer:- To evaluate approach to training, I use The Four Levels of Kirkpatrick model. The Four Levels of Kirkpatrick Model. "Evaluating Training Programs." The four stages are: 1. Reaction. 2. Learning. 3. Behaviour. 4. Results. Level 1: Reaction This level measures how your trainer (people being trained), responding to training. Obviously, you want them to feel that the training was a valuable experience, and you want them to feel good about the instructor, topics, materials, presentations, and place. It is important to measure the reaction, because it helps you understand how the training received by the audience. It also helps you improve training for future trainers, including identifying important areas or…show more content…
Level 2: Learning At level 2, you measure what you have learned trainers. How much of their knowledge increased as a result of training? When you plan your training session, you are expected to start with a list of specific learning objectives: this should be the starting point for your measurement. Keep in mind that you can measure learning in different ways depending on the objectives, and depending on whether you are interested in changing the knowledge, skills or attitudes. It is important to measure this, knowing what your trainer to learn and what they will not help you improve future training. Keller-Globe for evaluation of the effectiveness of training provided may be accessed through skill shown by the employee either has raised or not. Level 3: Behaviour At this point, you assess how your trainees have changed their behaviour, based on the training they received. In particular, see how trainees apply this
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