Case File Essay

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Case Study 1 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems Introduction In order to increase efficiency and productivity of the Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (MSCC), Leon Lassiter, Vice President of Marketing, decides that MSCC could benefit from a systems and software upgrade for each division. However, Mr. Lassiter’s effort to accomplish this failed as additional steps were not taken in order to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. Background Leon Lassiter, Vice President of Marketing for the Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (MSCC), conducted an assessment of each division within the organization. His findings concluded that information systems were limited in capability and lacking in operational capacity to better support its members. Mr. Lassiter realized that new information systems for MSCC would have to be eventually implemented. Unfortunately, the MSCC was limited in funding and unable to acquire new systems in order to expand their computing capabilities. Mr. Lassiter was able to continue operating under the current infrastructure, but he was committed to the improvement of MSCCs systems functions. Over the course of time, the MSCC began to acquire a stable financial foundation due to the success of Mr. Lassiter and Mr. Ed Wilson, the Operations Division Manager. Mr. Wilson was responsible for accounting control of MSCC funds and didn’t share Mr. Lassiter’s vision of better automating the organization. Whereas Mr. Lassiter wanted to commit funds in order to progress, Mr. Wilson felt it better to alleviate costs and continue to maintain the current software by hiring a systems analyst, Simon Kovecki. In a combined effort, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Kovecki maintained and upgraded workstation software. However, as MSCC began to grow, the increase in firm members and MSCC staff brought to light Mr. Wilsons
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