Case Brief California V Greenwood

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Case Brief California v. Greenwood ET. AL no. 86-684 Supreme Court of the United States Facts of original case Early in 1984, Jenny Stracner, an investigator of the Laguna Beach Police Department received information indicating that Greenwood, a local resident could be engaged in narcotic trafficking. In February 1984, a criminal suspect who informed Investigator Stracner, a federal enforcement agent that a truck filled with illegal drugs followed a specific route of Laguna Beach in which the resident at Greenwood was a part of. A neighbor also complained that at late nights there was often vehicular traffic right in front of the residence of Greenwood. In addition to the late night visits, the neighbor also stated that Greenwood's customers only stayed for a few minutes. A surveillance of Greenwood’s single-family home was soon conducted by investigator Stracner. First she started to watch the vehicle’s that made the brief stops at Greenwood’s home late in the night. However, she found a residence that was also under prior investigation as a narcotics-trafficking by following the truck from Greenwood place. Stracner asked the local garbage man to collect the plastic bags left at the curbs at Greenwoods. On April 6, 1984, she searched through the rubbish, where she found indications of items that were being used to do illegal drugs. This evidence found in Greenwood’s garbage bags, was cited in an affidavit in support of a warrant to search the home of Greenwood. Later that day police found both respondents at Greenwood's in which large quantities of cocaine and hashish. The police arrested both victims for felony of drugs and were placed on posted bail. This process was repeated again on May 4th by another investigator named Robert Rahaeuser who also found more evidence of narcotic use in garbage bags. Facts of case's verdict Greenwood

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