Carter Cleaning Company Human Resources

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Carter Cleaning Company 1. Specifically, what should the Carters cover in their new employee orientation program and how should they convey this information? (278) There are several ways to go about orienting new employees. The Carters should commence the orientation with a greeting. It is always vital to make new employees feel accepted and welcomed to a new environment. Investing more into new workers could cause a domino effect and benefit in the long run. After calming their nervousness Jennifer or her father should then give basic information regarding the company’s policies and benefits. These include the Carter’s policies regarding paid holidays, lateness and absences, and health benefits. Be certain that the new employees understand that they receive no benefits other than payment. Explain that pay day is on Tuesday rather than Friday, which allows the Carters two extra days to obtain everyone’s hours and calculate their pay. Also emphasize that in the event the employee decides to quit, they should give the Carters a few days’ notice so that the employee gets paid and the company is able to find a replacement. The Carters should then transition into explanation about no acceptance for substance abuse and prohibited eating or smoking on the job. Explaining the purpose behind these rules will increase the likelihood of the employee to abide by these policies. They should continue to cover general matters like the maintenance of a clean and safe work area, personal appearance and cleanliness, time sheets, personal telephone calls, and personal e-mail. Being detailed about what they mean by a clean, safe work environment and what employees are expected to wear. If they are specific about what they want, then there should be no miscommunication between the employees and the Carters about what is required. The supervisor should then explain how Carter

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