Explanatory Synthesis As the United States was formed and its government set in place, a compromise had to be reached in the method of electing a president. The Electoral College was the child born of this concession. As with most compromises, debate has always surrounded the Electoral College and its role in electing the president. The voice opposing the Electoral College is heard from Carolyn Jefferson-Jenkins, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. Her essay titled “Who Should Elect the President” focuses on the importance of one person, one vote.
This is big news about the situation of opposition party’s nominee. He can’t even care about his colleague’s stance about his party, how could he became the president of Uganda. By the way, text 2 is a significant article in history. It is extremely interesting because the research that done by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein caused the first resignation from Presidency in United States. They divulged the plot that planned by Richard Nixon and his colleagues.
This leaded to a displacement and diffusion of responsibility. When the system is in charge for decisions, moral disengagement of the employees appears. 3) Loss of autonomy Do to the fact, that everything was guided and recommended by the IT System, there was no space for personal reasoning and finally nobody felt responsible. 4) Change of business strategy Through the acquisition of the LPB business the original “Feel-Good-Strategy” of Mrs. Field´s cookies was gone. Further not to franchise the original cookie business and to diversify the business concept was not beneficial and leaded to high depths of the company.
These were the main problems that Britain was dealing with in the chartist movement. During the movement, there was a number of uprisings, protests and riots, which would always follow with the same result – mass arrests and deportations. Ultimately, the chartists did not achieve any of its objectives in their time, however, while the Chartist’s were unable to make their six points a reality themselves, they allowed future organisations to build from their successes. The result of the chartist movement in the long term was that all of the aims of the people’s charter was brought into the British political system today. Ultimately, the Chartists did not achieve any of their six aims whilst they were still an active organisation.
"Parliament is subject to the elected dictatorship of government." How far do you agree with this view? This is a serious problem that has occurred form the type of constitution that we as a country have upheld. Elected dictatorship can only be in practice if the Government has the majority of the seats in the Commons. This Governmental style has been used in the recent year in the form of Thatcher, Blair and Brown all of who practised this in some degree to get what they wanted.
False Dawn outlines the Delusions of Global Capitalism and shows a clear objection to the Global free market. Gray read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Exeter College. He later held posts as a Political theory lecturer at University of Exeter and most recently was the Professor of European thought at London School of economics and political science until his retirement in early 2008. The main argument within False Dawn is that the Global Free Market is not a natural development but that of a political project fuelled by America. Political figures across the world have argued that there is no alternative to the Global Free Market however Gray challenges this opinion using Russia and Asia countries where an American model of the free market simply don’t fit.
Lack of leadership is evident from the role the president , Richard Fiero. He was persuaded into making the decision by the sales Vice President Ed Pryor. Richard Fiero went ahead and took the decision based on only one source of information – Sales. He did not consult the other important players – Production and Design and Development. This shows his sheer lack of leadership skills.
Yet at her past employer, employees would leave quickly. Management did not have a good reputation at all. No relationships were built and way too much conflict in the work place. Abiding with equal employement opportunity laws, will make a successful and positive working environment. It is strongly believed to abide by them in order for an organization
This slogan means, “Alone – free - the human being is always defeated…doomed to die…” (Orwell 264). There is no freedom even inside one’s home because “every sound you made was overheard… and every movement scrutinized” (Orwell 3). There is no freedom because the Party convinces the People that
It is through this process that all of the members’ expertise and knowledge, along with other inputs, functioning in the group environment, manufacture an output. MGI’s team process seems ineffective, resulting a lot of conflicts among the subgroups of the MGI team and inability to complete the business plan. At the “launch” of the team in Mellon Hall on HBS campus, it was clear that the team did not have any specific role for each of the team members, nor was there a clear leadership arrangement. “..It seemed to me that Sasha saw our role as business plan writers, specifically for the contest, whereas Igor understood the need for us to help with vision and strategy.”