Career Management Essay

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CAREER MANAGEMENT PORTFOLIO INTRODUCTION There are many words to describe career management,in my own definition I define career management as a life-time, self monitored way of planning your career which involves choosing your career aim and setting a target or personal goals strategizing ways in achieving them. Personal development can be define has a way of way of helping or improving yourself without the help of someone else in developing, it’s a way of aspiration to realize our higher self This work is about my personal development plan that give an insight on what i aspire to be, reflection on my skills growth, how I prepare to manage my career action plan and way I wish to achieve them, then I will evaluate my own personal professional skills against chosen career and I will round it up by preparing my curriculum vitae with an intention to apply for my job preference. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SECTION 1 My Career Aspirations My career goal is to be human resource manager; I have always wanted to help in managing and developing people while motivating them. I aim to gain skills for effective management techniques and business strategies, which is my reason for studying Business management to acquire more knowledge to become a human resource manager in well established organization or firm with a tranquil environment which is pleasant for performing my role of, training, recruiting, hiring and motivating the employees .My short term career aspiration is to gain an internship placement training straight away after the duration of my degree program or work as a manager of a consultancy firm so as to develop my skills, and acquire managerial experience, I intend to do a Masters degree in Business Administration . The medium term goal is to become a Human Resource Manager, using my knowledge and skills effectively. My long-term
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