Career Fair Essay

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Career Fair Essay With the crime rate as high as it is, the police need more help. People used to be able to go ride their bikes around the neighborhood, now if you let your kids do that you would be considered crazy. Policemen are part of what keep kids who want to go out and ride bikes and hang out with their friends safe. I think being able to say that I helped keep a little kid from being kidnapped would be an amazing feeling. It is one of the main reasons why I would love to be call myself a policeman. Another reason is because I like to help people. If a little kid is lost at the mall I could help them find their parents or if an elderly woman is trying to cross a busy street and not paying attention, I could be that one factor that could potentially save her life. Once I grow up if I was able to say that I saved at least one life or helped one person in any way would be a reassurance of why I would love to be a policeman. At the career fair I learned that policemen don't do same thing every day. They get to go to cool and new places almost every day. While they're at their job they have no idea what they're going to get into. I love surprises, so going to my job everyday having it be a complete surprise would make me love coming into work every day. They also can change stuff up during the day. With most jobs you go in and do the same thing every day, boring right? I think if I was able to go into work one day and do patrol for a school and then the next day I could be doing an undercover job would make work so much more interesting and exciting. Those are a few reasons why the daily work day for a policeman would actually make me want to come into work every day. The education for being a policeman can vary. But, like every job, if you have a four-year degree, you get paid a good bit more money than the others. If I was to be a policeman I would have a

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