Car Accident and Its Damage

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CHAPTER-ONE INTRODUCTION Back Ground of The Study Now a day, traffic accident is the most one among the serious problems that our society faces. In the world, most peoples loss their life due to the occurrence of traffic accidents as a result of risk factors like road, age, sex, insurance, etc. From this, it is easy to understand how much serious the problem is since not a single day or week passes without the news of the accident. In motorized traffic, the highest risk group was motor cyclist sub-sheer (WHO, 1998). n Africa according to the WHO 1998, Ethiopia has the highest rate of fatalities per vehicle in the world. Behind Ethiopia, emergency medical systems are often poor and injury presentations programmed are rarely available (WHO, 1998). “At least one person dies out of every five car accidents occurring in this country,” said Bamlaku Alemayehu, inspector of Ethiopia’s National Road Safety Coordination Office. Most of these victims die due to lack of proper medical services, such as getting immediate medical assistance on time. At least 70 people die in every 10,000 vehicle accidents annually in Ethiopia, according to government reports; the average fatality rate is 60 per 10,000 vehicles across sub-Saharan African countries, according to the WHO, 2011. As of 2007-2008, Ethiopia has 95 traffic accident fatalities per 10,000 vehicles, states a 2009 UN Economic Commission for Africa Report. Over half of road traffic accident deaths in Ethiopia involve pedestrians of whom 20% are children younger than 18 years old. Ethiopian police records show that between 2003 and 2007, at least 76% of fatal accidents were due to driver error, 6% due to vehicle defects, 5% due to pedestrian error, 2% due to road defects and the balance due to other causes. Unless the present trend is arrested, the social and economic problem of road accidents is bound
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