Can Women And Men Be Friends?

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Can women and men be friends? When someone asks: “Do you think women and men can be friends?” Some women might answer: “of course, women can be friends with men,” however, the answer might not be the same coming from women who, like me, had been brought up in an all-girls school. For me, as well as most of my friends from the school, there are three reasons why it is quite, if not very, difficult to become friends with men. First of all, due to the fact that we all had been brought up in the almost boys-free environment, we had come to regard men as strangers. They seemed so different from us and thus, we didn’t really know how to behave ourselves spontaneously when they were around nor what exactly to talk to them, which, of course, made it hard for us to become friends with the men. Second of all, having been in an all-girls school, playing games and sharing secrets with one another for more than ten years, had insidiously made us believe that friendship is the kind of relationship that should be formed among women while romantic relationship is to be formed with men. Thus, it’s quite difficult to develop a non-romantic relationship with men later in life, especially once we’ve gotten close to them or if the man is particularly cute. Last of all, usually, the first men we get to know are those who are our classmates’ boyfriends. Therefore, this can not only emphasize the belief that friendship should be formed among women while romantic relationship should be formed with men, but also makes us girls want to have our own boyfriends, not friends who are boys. In conclusion, women who have been brought up in an all-girls school usually find it difficult to develop friendship with men and also, to stay being “just friends” with
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