Can One Be Moral and Not Believe in God?

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Can One Be Moral And Not Believe In God? There are many people, that do not have any faith or belief in any personal god or deity, one that dispenses grace, goodness, and/or miracles according to his/her 'will'. Many people do not acknowledge any ‘supernatural’ agent or agency that intentionally intercedes in human affairs or selectively answers peoples' prayers. There are people who do not and cannot stomach any willful divine being that plays with tornados, earthquakes or any other type of natural disasters. They do not support or promote any formal, organized religious notion or expression of any such 'god'. However, there are many who would totally disagree with these beliefs. Those who would disagree with these beliefs would undoubtedly argue these people must be immoral, and some may say that they represent evil. They would argue you cannot be moral if you do not believe in God. This is not correct. One can be moral and not believe in God. One who is moral but does not believe in god might believe, for example, there is only a creative principle at work in the Universe. They may also acknowledge a wish fulfilling inclination in the human mind, a desire to be part of some greater whole or purpose, which is the extension, or by-product, of our unique self-awareness and knowledge of our eventual death. We, humans, do not need to belong to any religion in order to have a sense of moral right or wrong. Moral righteousness is natural, and not centered on supernatural faith. Morality is a product of social, not spiritual interaction. Unfortunately, the mistaken idea that humans cannot be good without professing a belief in the ‘supreme being’ or without belonging to a religion is one that is dominant in most societies across the world. This mistaken idea is largely responsible for lack of progress in those areas of human life where religions exercise

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