Callista Roy Essay

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Nursing theorist Callista Roy
Nursing theorist Callista Roy
An overview of Callista Roy’s philosophy Sister Callista Roy came up with the Adaptation Model of Nursing in the year 1976. This model consists of the four concepts in the domain of health, person, nursing, and environment and consists a six step process of nursing. Andrews and Roy (1991) highlight the fact that a person can be a depiction of a group of individuals or an individual. Roy's models looks at the person as a being that is biopsychosocial in non-changing contact with an environment that is changing Rambo (1984). The individual is an adaptive, open system who uses skills of coping to react to stressors around and within them. Roy talks of stressors as stimuli and makes use of the words residual stimuli to illustrate those stressors whose power on the person cannot be clearly defined (Andrews & Roy). According to Roy God is revealed in his works and persons use their creative abilities to survive. Major theory assumptions related to a person The human being is looked at as a biopsychosocial being who is frequently interacting with the environment around them. The goal of a human being during this interaction is to adapt. According to Roy, a person has two main processing subsystems that are internal; they are known as cognator and regulator. These subsystems form the mechanisms utilized by humans to handle stimuli from the external and internal environment they exist in. The regulator subsystem works through the nervous system, which includes neural, perception, and endocrine pathways of the system. This process prepares the person for coping with stimuli from the environment. The cognator subsystem consists of information processing, judgment, learning, and emotions (Roy, 1980). Major theory assumptions related to health
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