Cad and Manual Drafting

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English 123: Writing in the Discipline Frances Cleo A. Duran BSAR 1A Research Proposal General Topic: Drafting Narrowed Topic: CAD and Manual Drafting Focusing Question: Why are these two methods equally important in the development of architectural working drawings? Subordinate Questions: 1. What is CAD and its history? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CAD? 3. What was the situation before CAD softwares were invented, when manual drafting was the method used in producing architectural drawings? 4. What is the significance of manual drafting in the modern world? 5. What are the effects of the use of CAD to manual drafting? CAD AND MANUAL DRAFTING: ESSENTIAL METHODS OF DEVELOPING ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS A Term Paper Presented to Ms. Marie Cris S. Malbas Instructress In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course English 123: Writing in the Discipline By Frances Cleo A. Duran BS Architecture 1A March 2012 Acknowledgement Besides the significant amount of work and effort the researcher did to prepare this term paper, she would like to express her gratitude to other people who deserve recognition and thanks for their help and contribution in making this research study a success. Her deep appreciation is especially given to: Her family, for their moral and financial support. It would have been impossible to complete this study without their help. Her English 123 instructress, Ms. Marie Cris S. Malbas for her expertise and effort in guiding the researcher in writing and finishing this term paper and for creating a motivating learning environment. The University Library and staff, for allowing her to stay within its walls for long hours of research which contributed much to the completion of this paper. Her classmates, Roxanne Zacarias and
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