Business Ethics: Glass Ceiling In The Military

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Trident University Catina A. Ned ETH301- Business Ethics Glass Ceiling Dr. Leroy Demuth WOMEN and the MILITARY Being a member of the United States Armed Forces I entered the service in 2007, I have personally witnessed the glass ceiling in affect as well as it be nonexistent in numerous situations, positions, and places. Of the military is still overall primarily made of males, with males making up roughly about 80% of the total military force. With these percentages it would be easy to see why some military service members would be hesitant if not resistant to women having equal advancement and command opportunities. Although the Military standards have been set, equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, or religion, “glass ceilings’ are still effect in the military. Grade/ Rank and Gender in 1995 through 1997, women were still stopped by the “glass ceiling” (Glass 4 Mar 1998). During these times zero women…show more content…
I believe it would be harder to show a greater negative affect than a positive effect in this matter. In conclusion I believe that the glass ceiling is “a transparent barrier that kept women from rising above a level in the military. It applies to women as a group who are kept from advancing higher because they are women” (Glass Ceiling, The Military). Men and women are equal and must be treated as such. Women have proven themselves competent and qualified for tasks and jobs in the military even under stressful and dangerous conditions. Although is a slow process we have made progress in the military. I believe women will begin to fully balance out the military service.
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