Bus519 “British Petroleum (Plc) and John Browne: a Culture of Risk Beyond”

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BUS519 “British Petroleum (PLC) and John Browne: A Culture of Risk Beyond” Project Risk Management Strayer University July 29, 2012 Prepare a two-day workshop agenda encompassing this case. The case study surrounds the investigation of the British Petroleum of two independent investigators, which placed the Board of the British Petroleum in the precarious position, after the investigative reports were released about the 2005 explosion at an oil refinery on Texas City in the United States, which killed 15 people and injured over 180 people. Hillson and Simon (2007) explain that the importance risk workshop cannot be understated and that because of the cost and time involved in coordinating and participating in the workshop activities, the outcomes from the risk workshop should effectively meet the stated objectives and facilitated by the risk champion. They maintain that “effective facilitation is fundamental to the success of the workshop (Hillson and Simon, 2007, p. 60). Based on the safety infractions outlined in the two independent investigative reports, the below list provides an overview of what will be addressed during the two-day Oil Refinery Risk Workshop Agenda items, which was created to identify ways to change the “history of poorly regulated safety measures in the plant” (Custom Book, 2011, p. 13). Figure 1-1 provides an outline of the British Petroleum Oil Refinery Risk Workshop Agenda. 1. Introductions 2. Outline Oil Refinery Project Objectives 3. Outline Scope Of Oil Refinery Risk Processes 4. Outline Workshop Expected Outcomes 5. Oil Refinery Risk Management Brief 6. Standard Oil Refinery Operations Safety Measures 7. Identify Oil Refinery Operations Risks 8. Rationalize Oil Refinery Operations Risks 9. Describe Oil Refinery Risks Using

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