Bumper Cars: Physics

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Bumper Cars: Newton's Three Laws of Motion Amusement Parks (like Star City, E.K etc) are thrilling and exciting places to spend the hours with your classmates or family, but did you know that these parks are also huge physics classrooms? Almost all of the rides are related to different field of physics such as the Laws of Motion of Newton. These rides are built with these laws and these things bring happiness, fun, excitement and scary feeling to anyone that rides on it. Of all the rides I rode the BUMPER CARS is one ride that I enjoyed so much because it bring me to the time that I was a little kiddo. As I was riding that thing I’ve noticed that it posses one of the field in physics that we’ve discussed last grading that is the NEWTON’S THREE LAWS OF MOTION so I chose it to be my project. So let’s start?‼ Bumper cars are a great place to see Sir Isaac Newton's three laws of motion in action. Here's how: Newton's First Law: Every object in motion continues in motion and every object at rest continues to be at rest unless an outside force acts upon it. This is because all objects have inertia - the property of matter that resists changes to the object's motion. An object in motion will not stop, slow down, or change its direction unless an outside force acts on it (such as gravity, friction, and air resistance). When you are riding in a bumper car and end up in a collision with another bumper car, you feel a jolt. This is because your body's inertia wants it to keep traveling in the direction it was moving with the car even though your bumper car has now suddenly stopped. Newton's Second Law: The greater the mass of an object, the harder it is to change its speed. (More force is needed to move it.) Something that is small, such as a pebble, is much easier to pick up and throw than something that is large and heavy, such as a boulder. When riding in the bumper

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