Bullying In School

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Most of us have experience bullying in one form or another. So what is bullying? Bullying is repeated treatment or acts that are undesirable by the receiver. Bullying is harmful to both the bully and the victim. Bullying is a serious problem that needs to be prevented. When I ask my friends where bullying accord most often? They all had to say in school. To many this may not come as a surprise. In matter of fact about 15 % of students are bullied on reaccording occasions. (qtd. In Bully-Proof your School by Newquist paragraph 3). Even after school, victims of bullies could have suffered psychological wounds that will follow them for the rest of their lives. For example 60% of bullies in 6-9 grades will likely have one or more criminal conviction by age 24. (qtd. In Bullying in Schools by Banks) I survey a few Students at Sunnyside High school and asked why don’t victims come forward when they have been bullied? Many said “Students feel embarrassed to tell Teachers.” It appears as though many of the students don’t feel they’ll be taken seriously. Even more that they be expected to work it out. If Sunnyside would use anonymous report boxes, more could be done. How can the school stop a problem unless they know it’s going on? As well with a victim, how can victim report bullying unless they don’t feel ashamed to do so? By making one simple change Sunnyside can improve its school environment. Bullying is a serious problem that needs to be prevented. Bullying after all is harmful to both the bully and the victim. 160,000 kids will stay home today just to avoid being bully (qtd. In Life after Bullying by Brown paragraph 2). Sunnyside can lower the number even if just a bit by one simple

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