Buisness Law Essay (Curtin University Assignment)

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Question1 Identify the principle or issue of law The legal issue is whether or not the element of agreement required for the formation of a contract can be established. Explain the rule(s) of law relevant to the principle/area/issue of law identified in step one with reference to authority. The parts of agreement that will be identified are Offer and Acceptance. Terms for an Offer to be present: 1. Sufficiently complete For an offer to be sufficiently complete it should be clear of; who the buyer and seller is, what is being bought and sold and how much money being given and received. 2. Promissory An offer must have a responsibility to give or do something, an undertaking of liability. When an offer is made the terms need to be specified so it is clear what the parties involved in the offer need to do. In the case of Placer Development Ltd v Commonwealth (1969) 121 CLR 353 the Commonwealth government said they would pay a subsidy ‘…of an amount or at a rate to be determined by the Commonwealth’ The issue was whether the government’s statement was a legally enforceable promise. The court decided it was not legally enforceable. A promise was made to pay an unspecified amount and the amount to be paid lays in the decision of the promisor, which is not clear promissory. 3. Intention to result in a contract if accepted An advertisement is often not an offer with the intention to result in a contract but instead it is referred to as invitation to treat. In the case Partridge v Crittenden [1968] 2 All ER 421, Partridge was prosecuted for putting an advertisement in a magazine that said ‘Bramblefinch cocks and hens, 25/ - each.’ RSPCA were trying to sue for the offence of ‘offering’ wild birds for sale. The legal issue for the court was whether the advertisement was an ‘offer’ or an ‘invitation to treat’. The court decided in

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