Building Morale to Better an Organization Through Critical Thinking

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Building Morale to Better an Organization through Critical Thinking In an organization, the morale of the employees are critical to the mission and success of the organization. Presently, in my organization individuals in leadership position have realized that the morale of the employees is a low from previous years. Low morale has been a determining factor when it comes to the job performance of individuals, the excessive turnaround of employees and the complaints being received from the customers concerning the employee’s attitudes and their lack of customer service skills. The leadership has now decided if the problem of morale is not corrected, the mission of the organization will not be accomplished which will cause problems for the organization as well as the customers that the organization services. The leadership of the organization has decided to implement a team that consists of one or two employees from each department to develop a strategy plan that will help correct and raise the morale in the organization. This team of employees will come together with the critical thinking skills to make a needed for the good of the organization. Discussion of Literature Critical thinking is the ability to thinking clearly and rationally that includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Critical thinking allows individuals to understand the logical connections between ideas, identify, construct and evaluate legitimate arguments, detecting the inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning that is given and to solve problems systematically. It also allow the individual to reflect on the justification of an individual’s own beliefs and values. In an organization, there are beliefs and values that each individual follows that may cause problems in the organization if they are not accepted and understood. This can be a cause
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