Buddhism's 4 Noble Thruths

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Buddhism’s 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path Karla Chevalier REL/133 October 14, 2013 Richard Albin Buddhism’s 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path Assignment 3, Part 1 1. To live is to suffer Explain: Not everything in this life is easy, sometimes to achieve our goals, we need to overcome some obstacles that do not let us go on. In this era we all are living in a busy and stressful time. There is always something to do and more if you are a parent. Comment: we all have problems and most of these problems have solutions, it is just issue that we take care of them properly and calm. 2. Suffering comes from desire Explain: We live in a world where we want more and more things when in reality we do not need that much things, but our desires are more powerful. Comment: we all have obsessions some to clothes, alcohol, cars, etc. everything in obsession is bad and unhealthy, and can not only affect you only but to your family too. 3. To end suffering, end desire Explain: It is the cessation of all the unsatisfactory experiences and their causes in such a way that they can no longer occur again. Comment: Cessation is the goal of one’s spiritual practice in the Buddhist tradition. 4. Release from suffering is possible and can be attained by following the noble 8 fold path Explain: This path is called the Noble Eight Fold Path, and it is considered to be the essence of Buddhist practice. These are not to be understood as stages, in which each stage is completed before moving on to the next one. Comment: Buddhism’s goal is nirvana, to get the end of suffering. Noble Eight Fold Path 1. Right understand Explain: Recognize the impermanence of life, how desire work, and the cause of suffering. Comment: Placed first because right view is the eye that guides and directs all the other factors. We need the vision and understanding

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