The bacterium that causes the disease is called Yersinia pestis, which is mainly found in rats. Though the Y pestis comes in three subtypes (bubonic, septicemic, or pneumonic plague) bubonic and pneumonic
Bacteria is a single-celled microorganisms that cause diseases. Examples of bacteria are salmonella, campylobacteriosis, clostridium, and tularemia. Feline viral respiratory disease is a severe contagious illnesses of cats that spread fast in a multicat home. The fungi family comprises of mushrooms living in soil and biological material, most types of fungi are spread by airborne spores. “Rickettsia is a disease-causing parasites that are carried by fleas, ticks, and lice.
When a virus enters the body, it enters some certain cells and takes over making the now host cell make the parts the virus needs to reproduce, the cells are eventually destroyed through this process. The most common viruses is the common cold, which has no cure. Fungi Mould, yeast and mushrooms are all types of Fungi. Fungi live in the air, water, soil and on plants and they can live in the body, usually without causing illness. Some fungi have beneficial uses.
Rodents played a large roll in spreading Bubonic plague. Plague occurs in arias with a lot of burrowing rodents. During the renaissance rats were probably big problems. Any rat living in someone’s home or running down the street could be infected. Rodents also act as long term preservers for plague.
The rodents in Asia had fleas and when fleas bit the animal that was carrying the disease the animal became infected. The fleas also produced larva in the fur which also had the bacteria called Pasteurella pestia. Once the rodents’ population decreased, the fleas went on to other animals this including humans. Some of the animals were often used for furs to
"I wish I knew the answer to that one," Plotnick says. Cat pica may be caused by many things, including: Dietary deficiencies: Some cats will eat their cat litter if they’re anemic, Plotnick says. "I’ve had two cases of cats with anemia, and that was one of the signs." And although it’s normal for cats to eat a little grass, eating a lot of plant material may indicate something’s missing from the cat’s diet. Medical problems: Cat pica is also associated with feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus, and it may be triggered by conditions like diabetes or brain tumors.
Ebola Virus Effects At the development stage of the Ebola virus, the patients will have what its called Diarrhea Pharyngitis, or the inflammation of the throat. This is also accompanied by the inflammation of the eye’s mucous membranes (Conjunctivitis) plus abdominal pains and vomiting. When the infection attacks, it causes severe damage to the skin. Small white blisters will develop in the skin, along with red spots referred to as maculopapular rash. These spots will progress into becoming bruises as the skin becomes pulpy in texture.
We also speak about the genome of this virus, which is RNA and this RNA consist of ten double strand RNA segments of different sizes. The Bluetongue Virus in Animals. The bluetongue virus is an insect borne, viral disease mostly of sheep, goats, cattle and wild animals, such as white tail deer, elk and pronghorn antelope. The bluetongue virus is non-contagious meaning no other animal can contract the disease unless bitten by an insect that carries the virus such as mosquitos. Another way an animal can contract the virus is by infected semen when mating and this can lead to abortions, still births, and weak live births.
Yellow fever is a viral infection affecting the liver and kidneys. Yellow fever was also called the yellow jack or black vomit. The infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. Yellow fever is common in Africa and South America, and this can affect travelers and the people who live there. The virus is transmitted to humans by a mosquito bite from the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
Bite Allergies Insect venom allergy is a very harmful reaction to insect stings that occurs in people who have an abnormally high sensitivity to insect venom (Nguyen 7). Animals that would be classified as insects usually have a head, thorax, and abdomen and it is most common to have six legs and a pair of sensory antennae. Winged insects, such as mosquitoes, bees, and wasps, have two sets of wings and other biting or stinging insects include fleas, lice, and ants. Many other related animals that are usually mistaken for insects such as spiders, ticks, and mites also bite humans but they transmit infectious diseases or cause poisoning and generally do not cause allergic reactions like insects do (Penn State). An allergic reaction to insect venom occurs when the body’s immune system produces disease fighting cells that release chemicals which injures the surrounding cells that cause the physical symptoms of an allergic reaction in response to the insect venom.