Btsisi Kinship Essay

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The Btsisi Society and Kinship Course: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor: Mr. Michael King By: Ronald E. Farley Date: February 6, 2012 The Btsisi Kinship The Btsisi are a horticultural society that lives in Malaysia. They are a semi-sedentary people- meaning they live close to their homes and gardens during growing season and return to the forest to hunt, fish and gather when the season changes. Horticultural societies tend to live in bands composed of related nuclear families and extended families. Living in these bands allows for mutual cooperation and sharing among the families. The survival of their culture greatly depends on the ability of the band and the individuals within to work together. A kinship relationship greatly determines access to resources, including band memberships and sharing relationships. Horticultural societies such as the Btsisi tend to trace their descent matrilineal- mostly because the women are natural nurturers and cultivators, giving them great influence in their society. Men and women are both valued and equal members of the community. Within their kinship the roles are divided between men and women, but no-where near as strictly as in foraging societies. Men handle such duties as heavy lifting and business away from the village while the women traditionally care for the home, the children and the finances. One of the most unique principal values of the Btsisi people that sets them apart from other horticultural societies is how important the husband and wife relationship is. During the wedding ceremonies the couple is instructed about the proper roles and duties as husband and wife. Married couples are the basic structure of the Btsisi society. The husband and wife form a cooperative and self-sufficient team. (Nowak, 2000). The Btsisi
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