Btec Sport - Unit 14 - P1, M1

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Unit 14 - P1/M1 Smoking Smoking adversely affects a person's metabolism and life expectancy. Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. The most damaging substances in cigarettes include tar, which causes cancer; nicotine, an additive that increases cholesterol levels in the body; and carbon monoxide, which reduces oxygen in the body. 

 Diet An imbalanced diet could also have a negative impact on a person's health - the kind that results from eating high-calorie, high saturated fats and low-fiber food. For example, fast food often contains higher calories and highly saturated fats that the body does not need. A high calorie diet and low-exercise lifestyle will be harmful to the body over time. Alcohol Alcohol is high in calorie content and low on nutrition. It contributes to weight gain and if you drink too much, too often, it can lead to all sorts of health problems, such as high blood pressure and liver damage. Try not to make drinking a regular habit. Drinking a lot in one session is never a good thing for your health. For men and woman, the recommended alcohol consumption is: 21 units of alcohol per week, no more than four units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week. For woman its: 14 units of alcohol per week, no more than three units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week. Stress Stress responses release hormones into the bloodstream when faced with danger. These hormones cause instant mental and physical change in us, giving added strength and endurance. Instead of using our stress hormones in emergencies, we live at such a pace that many of us activate them all the time – like missing a deadline at work or losing your phone etc. Most tense people don't give themselves sufficient time and space to rest after each stress-filled moment. With no

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