British Coloniazation Essay

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The British colonization on the Malay land because during the industrial revolution, the British was short of raw materials such as tin, and other natural resources. The British then looked at South East Asia such as the Malay Land (Tanah Melayu) where the British wanted. The British then colonised the Malay land which then spread their culture such as the English Language, education and many more social and infrastructural development . “The white man’s burden” (Kipling R. ) (1902) . My objective is to investigate whether being colonised by the British had brought more benefits to Malaysia as what we know today. 2.0 The outcome of being colonised by the British 2.1 The struggle of the local leaders. To strengthen the British influence in the Malay land, the residence system was introduced. The Residence system was implemented in Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. The position of the local rulers, “Sultans” was threatened. The role of the residence is to advise the Sultans and not to interfere with religious affairs. As a result, by the 1870’s local British officials began to intervene in the internal affairs of various Malayan Sultanates thus establishing political influences whether by force or threat of force through a system of British residence (advisors). 2.2 The loss of rights and lands from the local leaders to the British. After the British introduced the Residence system to the local leaders, the residences misused their powers as the Sultan’s advisors. The Sultan’s and ministers lost their powers to the residence who misused their powers by overrunning the administration. By 1909, the British had put pressure on Siam (Thailand) into transferring sovereignty over the northern states if Kedah, trengganu and Perlis of which Johor was forced to accept a British resident in 1914. These 5 Sultanates now remain outside the Malayan federation and
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