Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding

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As long as baby is healthy. How were you fed when you were a baby? Were you breast fed or bottle fed? You are happy and, more importantly, healthy right? We all know that when babies are born they need proper nutrition to grow and develop just like any other person does. And while breast feeding is undeniably the most natural way to feed a baby, it is not the only way or even the best way for some families. Some mothers try to breast feed but cannot and others decide not to for a number of personal or work related reasons and are sometimes made to feel guilty for not doing it. Parents just want what is best for their children and family, and as long as babies are getting sufficient nutrition to grow and be healthy, it should not matter if they are breast fed or formula fed with a bottle. Feeding a baby correctly is one of the most important things you do for your baby, especially in their first few years of life. When a mother chooses how to feed their child, she should look at all the options and know the benefits and downfalls of each, and be flexible in her decision based on what her baby ends up needing when they are born. When a mother decides to breast feed, she cannot take many medications for fear of transferring them to her Baby through the breast milk. The effects of most medications, to a baby, are unknown because no one would want to test them out on a baby, that is just unethical. Also, when you breast feed you are still basically ‘eating for two’. Nursing burns a lot of calories, so you need to make sure you consume enough calories to maintain your weight and energy and enough to feed your baby or babies if you had twins or more. But be careful, because eating certain foods can have different effects on you baby too. Some foods can make your milk taste bad to baby or give baby gas, heartburn, or diarrhea. These can made baby very uncomfortable and

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