Breast Feeding vs Bottle

454 Words2 Pages
Breastfeeding vs. Bottle-feeding There are many advantages, and disadvantages to both breastfeeding, and bottle-feeding I made the choose to breastfeed my baby. Mother’s that is new to nursing there baby will need all of the information that they can get to choose which one is better bottle-feeding, or breastfeeding, but breastfeeding can be more suitable well I know which one is better, and that’s breastfeeding Nursing can be a wonderful experience for both mother and baby. It provides ideal nourishment and a special bonding experience that many nursing mothers cherish. I tried the breast option, but that option did not work out for me to well. it’s a great thing to do, I just could not do it being a single parent with other children in the home. Breast feeding was hard for me , because my baby seemed to never get enough. Just when I think that he has had enough milk. There had been times when I actually had to stand at the stove and cook dinner for my other children, while holding and breast feeding my baby; yeah that’s sounds dangerous, but that’s what I had to do in order to have my dinner prepared on time and to feed baby. In breast feeding you have to be sure that you are eating healthy. According to Stehlin, D.D. (1990) Human breast milk is the ideal nourishment for human babies. Its protein content is particularly suited to a baby's metabolism, and the fat content is more easily absorbed and digested than the fats in cow's milk. Breastfeeding helps to limit and prevent ovarian and premenopausal breast cancer.It also gives infants all the nutrients they need for healthy development and growth. It is safe and contains antibodies that help protect infants from common childhood illnesses - such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Breastfeeding has to be learned and many women encounter difficulties at the beginning. Nipple pain, and fear that there is not enough milk
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