Brave New World Twentieth Century Egocentricity

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Our world is full of the twentieth century egocentricity, when we confuse what we see or think with reality. The famous author Aldous Huxley uses his novel Brave New World to depict this. From mans ignorance of any reality transcending self, to man loneliness and despair. In Brave New World, everyone who lives in a reservation has an egocentricity view, because they do not see the world for what it really is. These people in the reservations are given a drug called soma, which makes them ignorant of anything that they aren’t told to live by. Huxley does an amazing job with this relation to the twentieth century humans. The way everyone in the reservations sees life, is just like the “honeymoon phase” in today’s society. Where couples who are deeply in love do not see their relationship or partner for who they are. In today’s society we can compare Brave New World’s drug soma, for love. We are all blindsided when we first fall madly in love, we can not get a real look at the world or ourselves because of what our heart is telling us we see or know. Soma is the same way to the people in the reservation; it makes them believe the people, like the director, who are in charge of the reservations. They get to where they do not ask questions for their selves and just believe everything they are taught and told. They are utterly confused by the actual world that they just become too lazy to really try to understand what is going on, just like we become too lazy in love to look past it and take in what we are actually doing. If soma was taken out of the reservations then the people wouldn’t be so quick to believe what someone else thinks, they would be able to figure it out for their selves. When we are trapped in a tiny air filled bubble, we can get to feel lonely sometimes, because we kind of have this feeling that there is truly something else out there in the

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