Boys vs. Girls: same sex friends

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Question: Write an essay based on the following quote. Thorne (1993): “Boys and girls present a number of differences in the way each gender interacts with their same-sex friends. It is important for parents and teachers to understand these to provide for a better future”. Answer: Thorne’s statement is resonant in all cultures, and, through the recognition of this fact, parents and teachers alike can learn how to approach the “growing pains” that all children go through, especially in their teenage years. By understanding these types of relationships, and how they affect children, adults can make adjustments to ensure a positive, fulfilling, exciting and memory-filled childhood. This is the way to prepare the next generation of leaders. However, primarily, we must start with the basics. First, girls. They tend to engage in more cooperative kinds of play, for example, jumping rope or practicing dance steps together. Girls also tend to say "Let’s ..." or "Why don't we ..." to generate this play. This leads one to believe that a motherly nature is, in fact, innate in females. The gentle, almost maternal, interaction aids in creating friendships that are based on dialog, honesty and kindness. In contrast, boys engage in competitive rough-and-tumble play and physical fighting. They also like to appear tough by making verbal threats (for example, "I’m gonna punch you"). These kinds of threats are sometimes made in anger, but they are also made in the spirit of play. Their rambunctious way of acting and speaking reflect a more aggressive approach to life. Boys tend to take on the world more assertively, employing almost warlike tactics to achieve their goals. Dialog, therefore, is more objective and more evident in the firm paternal figure. With this, boys tend to be less offended by harsh words and unkindly behavior. This difference in interaction with
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