From Boyhood To Manhood

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From Boyhood to Manhood In the short story “A & P”, John Updike’s main character, Sammy, is a bored nineteen year old store clerk who has an immature opinion of women and the upper class. As the story progresses, you see a definite change in his opinion and attitude, so that by the end of the story, Sammy’s immature opinion of women and the rich changes when he realizes all people have feelings no matter their gender or economic status. Sammy works at a local, small town grocery store. He is bored with his job, with the people he works with, and the customers. This becomes clear in his description of them. “The sheep pushing their carts down the aisle—were pretty hilarious” (Updike 1). “I bet you could set off dynamite in an A & P and the people would by and large keep reaching and checking oatmeal off their lists” (Updike 2). “A few houseslaves in pin curlers even looked around after pushing their carts past to make sure what they had seen was correct” (Updike 2). “And anyway these are usually women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs” (Updike 2). Sammy shows his immature attitude towards women in the way he describes the three girls as the walk into the grocery store. “In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits. The one that caught my eye first was the one in the plaid green two-piece. She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad soft-looking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the backs of her legs. There was this chunky one, with the two-piece—it was bright green and the seams on the bra were still sharp and her belly was still pretty pale so I guessed she just got it (the suit)—there was this one, with one of those chubby berry-faces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this one, and a tall one, with black hair that hadn’t

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