Both Iago and Bosola Reject 'Everything That Has Not a Strong Infusion of the Most Unpalatable Ingredients, Their Minds Digest Only Poisons'. How Far Do You Agree with This Assesment?

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Both Iago and Bosola reject 'everything that has not a strong infusion of the most unpalatable ingredients, their minds digest only poisons'. How far do you agree with this assesment? Iago and Bosola are the malcontents of the two plays 'Othello' and 'Dutchess of Malfi', who were common among both theatre and real life in the Jacobean period. They were referred to as the angry young men dissatisfied with the world they live in, detached from an often corrupt society by their grievances. They are filled with melancholy, at the time believed to be caused by an excess of black bile in their bodies, which was one of the four humours, which were what influenced a person's temperament and health. In the modern day however, a melancholic malcontent would be considered someone dealing with depression. In the beginning of the two plays Iago and Bosola are portrayed as the villains, however as we further explore the stories it turns out that this assessment may not be fully truthful, as by the end of the plays our impressions of the characters may dramatically change. Our first impressions of the villainous characters are of course negative, as in each of the plays we are introduced to a bitter, dissatisfied man with an issue of some kind. In 'Othello' the play starts with Iago telling Roderigo about how much he hates the moor, as he reveals the first part of his evil plan, which consists of manipulation. He starts off by explaining that he knows he is worth more than a position of a Lieutenant: "I know my price, I am worth no worse a place". The repetition of "I" could emphasize his vain personality and his pride, as with no modesty he admits that he thinks he deserves more than what he is given. This is also ironic, as in the next line he complains about the moor's pride: "But he, as loving his own pride and purposes". In this quote the alliteration of the letter "p"

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