Botellon Phenomena Essay

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BOTELLON! objectives 1. To infer the author/speaker’s opinion and the point of view of a text. 2. To select, from a series of given arguments, the most relevant in order to defend a specific point of view. 3. To express an opinion on a given topic justifying it with relevant arguments and using appropriate linguistic expressions INTRODUCTION What is the Botellón phenomenon? POINTS OF VIEW Inferring the basic elements of communication DISCUSSION LANGUAGE • Refuting and confirming opinions. • Expressing opinions appropriately. FINAL TASK Discuss the issue of the ‘Botellón’ and propose some solutions to this problem. 60 activities 1. Botellón – discussing the basic issues and factors. 2. Inferring the basic elements of communication (who, author’s opinion) 3. Identifying language features that support opinions, and identifying the arguments. 4. Using the language of agreement and disagreement. 5. Identifying the message of an argument, either pro or con. 6. Refuting or confirming what other people said 7.Watching debates and comparing styles adopted and language used. 8.Listening to information about cultural differences regarding debating. 9. Discussion: Checklist. 10. Organising the discussion. 11. Assessing the discussion. 61 botellón! 1 WHAT IS BOTELLON? Fill in the mind map with words that you associate with the “Botellón phenomenon”. Cheap BOTELLON 62 introduction botellón! 2 introduction DANGER! BOTELLON ZONE! In this unit, we’ll discuss the issue of ‘Botellón’ and propose some solutions to this problem. Before we start working, however, find a partner and answer the following questions: So, what do you think about botellón? Well, I think that ..... 1.What is the botellón? 2. Is there a botellón zone in your town? Where? 3.What do you think about the botellón
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