Book Report on Womens Rights in the Middle East

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Joshua Kleinwaks Period 5 12/20/12 Womens Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: by Sanja Kelly Throughout the history of humanity, women have been considered subordinate to men. Understandably for evolutionary reasons however when civilization rose and flourished, they were still viewed the caretakers and inferior to men whether in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. All of this lack of rights are of varying degrees for women but the one of the worst regions in the world where Women's rights are very much indeed lacking is in the Middle East, as well as North Africa. These two regions have always been in strife, often in conflict with in each other and as I see, the Middle East isn’t just full of oppression but of constant battle between Liberals, especially composed of womens rights NGO’s versus Conservative Islamists and Salafists.The editor in the book itself giving details of the history of women's rights in every country to its current progress, whether in Autonomy, Political rights, social status, and economics rights of women and gives credit to multiple authors and cited sources for her detailed report for every country detailed. The book I admit had some flaws but not to do with content as well as grammatical errors which surprised me as some words were either broken or actually put together wrongly. However I did enjoy learning about every country from Morocco to the UAE in the book as well as the history of the recurring conflict between Conservative Islamists in power and Womens rights NGO’s who want freedom for women with allied liberal sympathizers as well. The genre as it is a nonfiction book has a humongous amount of detail in content. The book itself being 588 pages (Yes I read that much in a few days)and giving every country detail on the status and history of womens rights which does not fail you in knowledge as well as

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