Boarding Schools (Good Or Bad?)

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Boarding Schools Some people think it’s a good idea to send their children to a boarding school. I personally don’t believe it is. Although I have never been to a boarding school myself, I have a few reasons why I think boarding schools are not suitable for children to go to. In this essay I will name those reasons and explain why, further on. Firstly, it is a common fact that most children in the world do not enjoy going to school. They might like seeing their peers, but they usually aren’t very fond with learning. Of course learning is important for later life so they do have to go to school even if they do not like it, but I do think that children should take a break from school every now and then. When they’re sent to boarding school, they are at school every day, a place they don’t like going. The only time they would spend away from school is in the holidays, which I think is too little. They should not be forced to be at school almost every day and night, especially when they do not enjoy school. If they are, it could maybe cause depression and that is something you certainly do not want. This brings me to my next point. When children spend all their time at school, they won’t be able to see their parents that often. I definitely do not see how this does any good. Children need to be with their parents every now and then, if this doesn’t happen the relationship between parents and child might fall flat. It is very important to maintain a good relationship, because in normal cases your parents know you best and they are the ones you fall back on first when you have a problem emotionally, physically or mentally. On the other hand I must admit that daily coexistence leads to strong friendships, not just among students, but also with faculty members, which is an advantage. Despite that, it is vital to have the same strength of friendship or thrust towards
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