Blue Collar Slob

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“Blue Collar Slob” Often you hear the term “Blue Collar Slob.” We should take a minute to reflect on this comment; it’s a slur, an insult. It brings up so many images too mind, for instance, a refrigerator repairman with his ass crack showing, in need of a shower and a shave. Maybe a sweaty jack hammer operator, teeth clinched tight, on a short cigar. Or how about the concrete cowboy (truck driver) with the chain driven wallet and cheap simulated leather cowboy boots, the carnival worker, high school janitor, and highway workers. In short some consider these people society’s primitives; however; these blue-collar slobs are essential, more than we realize. Without them there would be an infinite void in our society. Blue-collar jobs are the base of our industrial economic system. Try to imagine our society without these unsung heroes for example mechanics, truck drivers, carpenters, factory workers, disc- jockeys, waitresses, cooks, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, and trashmen the list is seemingly endless. People should be grateful for the service they provide in our society. Remember that at one time or another our father, mother, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters started out or currently fill these positions. It is blue-collar work that forged this country. Some would have to say that it is the key ingredient for making this great nation what it is today. There are three main areas to illustrate the positive image of the blue-collar slob, economics: opportunities: and the service: they provide to this great nation. Morris 2 The first area to examine is economics, It would probably take a very informed individual or a economist to figure the many facets of our economy, but the truth is a company, corporation, city, county, state or federal organization would have great difficulty functioning and operating without good workers. Good
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