Bloody Mary Research Paper

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omnia causa fiunt Everything happens for a reason Should Mary I Be Called “Bloody Mary”? Mary I was brought up in an austere Catholic environment. Her father was Henry VIII and her mother was Catherine of Aragon. Mary was born at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich in London. Henry was desperate for a male heir, so he wasn’t too pleased when Catherine couldn’t produce one. Henry wanted an annulment of his marriage, and when the Pope refused him this, he created the Protestant Church giving himself the title “Fidei Defensor” (Defender of the Faith) and married his second Queen Anne Boleyn. Mary was declared illegitimate and removed from her position as heir to the throne. She was to no longer be called "princess",…show more content…
He was under leverage from his advisor, the Duke of Northumberland. The young Edward was a supporter of the Protestant faith, although Mary seemed to have hoped at one point he would see the error of his ways and return England to the Church of Rome. Eventually Edward fell ill and died. In the last days of his life Northumberland persuaded him to make the Catholic Lady Jane Grey, Edward’s cousin, otherwise known as the “Nine day Queen” to be next in line as they thought they would have a puppet they could control [although Jane had other ideas about that!]. Mary realized that a plot was being formulated to place Jane on the throne. Of course, she was ecstatic (not). She had been urged by some friends to flee the country since they feared her life would be in danger. Mary knew that if she fled, she would forfeit all chances of becoming Queen and returning England to Catholicism, so she chose to stay and make a stand for her crown. In the end, Mary got her crown, and that is where the real trouble started. Did Mary deserve to be called “bloody”? She is always remembered as it. People wrote poems and limericks about her like this…show more content…
Is it doing Mary justice? Did Mary really deserve the name bloody? Yes, she did When Mary came to the throne, one of her first actions was to get rid of Lady Jane Grey. Jane was beheaded on the “Tower Green” inside the “Tower of London”. According to the account of her execution given in the anonymous “Chronicle of Queen Jane” and of “Two Years of Queen Mary”, Jane gave a speech upon ascending the scaffold: “Good people, I am come hither to die, and by a law I am condemned to the same. The fact, indeed, against the Queen's highness was unlawful, and the consenting thereunto by me: but touching the procurement and desire thereof by me or on my behalf, I do wash my hands thereof in innocency, before God, and the face of you, good Christian people, this day.” Mary killed over three hundred Protestants during a period of just five years. Mary burnt the young and old, rich and poor, bold and mild, generous and selfish, just because they were all Protestants. Mary was called “Bloody” even while she reigned. Songs like “Mary, Mary, quite contrary” confirmed this. Surely there was some reason why her country called her this. If anyone knew best, wouldn’t it be the people who lived at the time of her reign? No she
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